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Hey there, fellow small business owners! I'm Deb, the founder of Our Community (OC), and I'm here to tell you about the extraordinary service we offer to illuminate the heart and soul of your small business journey.

Each of you carries a story, a journey filled with passion, determination, and dreams that have come to life. At OC, we're dedicated to weaving your experiences and dreams into captivating narratives, sharing the essence of your unique ventures with the world. Our mission is to create a platform where your stories come alive, connecting you with an audience that values your craft and dedication. So, sit back, relax, and let us help you tell the world your remarkable story of entrepreneurship and creativity.

My Story

Once upon a time, in the midst of a world grappling with the throes of a global pandemic, a woman named Deb found herself at a crossroads. With two decades of dedication to her hospitality and marketing career, she suddenly lost her job. The world as she knew it was changing rapidly, and the devastating effects of Covid-19 on businesses, especially small shops and artisans, struck a deep chord within her.


Deb had always been a fervent supporter of small businesses, and she cherished the unique charm they brought to our lives. As she watched them struggle to survive in the face of unprecedented challenges, an idea began to take shape.

She realized that amidst the pandemic's challenges, finding and supporting these local gems had become an uphill battle for shoppers. Deb envisioned a way to bridge this gap, to make it easier for people to connect with small businesses. She wanted to be the conduit that brought these hidden treasures into the lives of more people.


But Deb's vision was broader than just a solution to the immediate problem. As someone who had always cherished the vibrant spirit of makers markets and craft fairs, she saw an opportunity to extend the reach of these creative entrepreneurs beyond the limitations of seasonal outdoor events. She saw a chance to create a lasting impact, to build a community around the very heart and soul of small businesses.


With unyielding passion and determination, Deb embarked on a mission to bring her vision to life. Our Community (OC) was born, not just as a platform for commerce but as a nurturing ecosystem where small businesses and artisans could flourish. It became a place where shoppers could not only find hidden gems but also immerse themselves in the creativity of independent entrepreneurs.


As Deb shared her vision with the world, she was met with an overwhelming response. Thousands of followers on social media joined her in her journey. But for Deb, the true joy came from witnessing the positive impact OC had on businesses and the communities they served. By championing the cause of shopping small and locally, they had empowered countless entrepreneurs to grow their businesses sustainably. Moreover, by supporting creative North American businesses, they were preserving and promoting the beauty of artisan trades.


Deb's story, the story of Our Community, is a story of hope, resilience, and the power of a single idea to make a difference. It's a reminder that in the darkest of times, the human spirit can shine its brightest. Our Community is more than just a platform; it's a reflection of the power we hold when we come together to support each other. It's a celebration of the resilience of small businesses and creative entrepreneurs, and an invitation for all to join Deb on this transformative journey. Together, they will continue to empower and uplift their community, one small business at a time.

Let us tell your story!

Let us help tell your story to the world!

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